Every year, local Farm Credit associations support young, beginning and small farmers through various scholarships, grants, and loan solutions specifically for those looking to start or grow their operations. To find one of these programs near you, simply select your state and browse to find a program for you. Then, select the program’s name to learn more and get details on how to apply. If you are ready to talk to a local Farm Credit about your financing needs and other ways we can help, click the “Find Your Lender” button to connect with a Loan Officer in your community.
Scholarships, Grants and Loan Programs
for the young, beginning and small farmer.
- Florida
Name: AgVocator Scholarship
Association(s): Farm Credit of Northwest Florida
Amount: Up to $20,000 | Deadline: Varies
Scholarship opens November 1, 2024. Must be a high school senior in good academic standing or high school graduate within the prior 2 years who otherwise meets all standards. One scholarship for $20,000 and two scholarships for $2,000 each. Please note, the applicant must live within the Association’s chartered territory in Northwest Florida. For more information please visit: https://www.farmcredit-fl.com/scholarships .
- Georgia
Name: Duane Watson Scholarship for Exceptional Character in Agriculture
Association(s): Southwest Georgia Farm Credit
Amount: $2000 | Deadline: January 15, 2025
The Duane Watson Scholarship for Exceptional Character in Agriculture was created in honor of the late Duane Watson, who measured the value of the life he lived, by helping others. Southwest Georgia Farm Credit will award one $2,000 scholarship. Selection will be based on the applicant’s record of extracurricular activities, scholastic achievement and demonstration of exceptional character in agriculture. Applicant must be high school seniors and plan to attend a two- or four-year college on a full-time basis. Applicant must be pursuing a degree in agriculture, crop production, livestock production, crop and soil science, agricultural technology, agricultural research, sustainable agriculture, or agribusiness.
Name: Southwest Georgia Farm Credit Scholarship
Association(s): Southwest Georgia Farm Credit
Amount: $1500 | Deadline: January 15, 2025
Two $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to students who show a record of scholastic achievement and who, through their extracurricular activities, exemplify community spirit. Scholarship winners are chosen based on overall achievement and accomplishments. Applicant must be high school seniors and plan to attend a two- or four-year college on a full-time basis. Applicant must be pursuing a career path in agriculture sciences, animal biology, chemistry, business, accounting, finance, communications, etc. with an interest in a career that is essential to sustaining infrastructure in our small towns and communities.
Name: Southwest Georgia Farm Credit Technical Scholarship
Association(s): Southwest Georgia Farm Credit
Amount: $1500 | Deadline: January 15, 2025
One $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to students or GED graduate wishing to gain a certificate, credential, or two-year degree in the following fields: welding, carpentry, construction, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, automotive, transportation, healthcare, etc. Scholarship winners are chosen based on overall achievement and accomplishments. Applicant must be a high school senior, high school graduate or have a GED equivalent. Applicant must be pursuing a career path in a technical or vocational trade.
Name: Southwest Georgia Farm Credit HBCU Scholarship
Association(s): Southwest Georgia Farm Credit
Amount: $2000 | Deadline: January 15, 2025
One $2000 scholarship will be awarded to a student who shows a record of scholastic achievement and who, through his/her extracurricular activities, exemplifies community spirit. Scholarship winner will be chosen based on overall achievement and accomplishments. Applicant must be a high school senior who has received an official letter of acceptance to a two- or four-year HBCU or a current dual enrollment student of an HBCU. Applicant must be pursuing a career path in agriculture sciences, animal biology, chemistry, business, accounting, finance, communications, etc. with an interest in a career that is essential to sustaining infrastructure in our small towns and communities.
- Kentucky
Name: Eldon Heathcott and David Leonard Memorial Scholarships
Association(s): River Valley AgCredit
Amount: $7500 | Deadline: Varies
River Valley AgCredit will award a total of $7,500 in scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year for the West Region and a total of $7,500 in scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year for the East Region.
Scholarships will be awarded to incoming freshmen enrolled in an agricultural curriculum at an accredited university in each area designated, as well as students currently enrolled in an agricultural curriculum at an accredited university in each area designated. The committee has the authority to designate the scholarships as they deem necessary.
- Maryland
Name: Colonial Agricultural Educational Foundation Scholarship
Association(s): Colonial Farm Credit
Amount: Varies | Deadline: Varies
Recipients must reside in one of the counties served by Colonial Farm Credit. For more information about scholarship eligibility criteria and endowment information, please view our scholarship information. All applications are due March 1st of every year. For a list of items needed for your scholarship submission, please view the Application Checklist. *Please note that SAT/ACT scores are not required and can be submitted as additional information if you have taken them.
- North Carolina
Name: FFA & 4-H Scholarship
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $1,000 | Deadline: Varies
Up to six (6) FFA and 4-H $1,000 scholarships will be available each year to an active FFA or 4-H student that is a graduating high school senior residing in the counties served by AgCarolina Farm Credit. Additionally, the applicant must be currently active in FFA or 4-H. Applicant must meet the academic requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale and maintain a 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale to continue to receive the scholarship each year. Additionally, the applicant must be accepted in a college or university program as a full-time undergraduate student.
Name: HBCU and Historically Minority-Serving Institutions
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $1,000 | Deadline: Varies
Up to two (2) $1000 to either a high school senior that has been accepted in, or a current college student within, an HBCU or a Historically Minority-Serving Institution within North Carolina. Applicant must meet the academic requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale.
Name: High School At-Large Scholarship
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $2,000 | Deadline: Varies
Up to twelve (12) $1,000 scholarships will be available each year to a high school senior. Applicant must reside in, or be connected to an agricultural operation in, a county served by AgCarolina Farm Credit and must be the child or grandchild of an AgCarolina Farm Credit member. Applicant must meet the academic requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale. Additionally, the applicant must be accepted in a college or university program as a full-time undergraduate student.
Name: NC A&T University
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $1,000 | Deadline: Varies
Up to four (4) $1,000 scholarships will be available each year to currently enrolled college students that are a child or grandchild of an AgCarolina member. Applicant must meet the academic requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale. Additionally, the applicant must be accepted in a college or university program as a full-time undergraduate student. For this scholarship, applicants will apply through NC A&T University.
Name: NC Community College
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $750 | Deadline: Varies
Up to six (6) $750 scholarships will be available each year to those either about to attend, or currently enrolled within, a North Carolina Community College. The applicant must be a child or grandchild of an AgCarolina member. Applicant must meet the academic requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale.
Name: NC State Agricultural Institute
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $750 | Deadline: Varies
Up to six (6) $750 scholarships will be available each year to those either about to attend, or currently enrolled within, the N.C. State Agricultural Institute. For this scholarship, applicants will apply through the NC State Agricultural Institute.
Name: North Carolina State University
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $1,000 | Deadline: Varies
Up to five (5) $2,000 scholarships will be available each year to currently enrolled college students that are a child or grandchild of an AgCarolina member. Applicant must meet the academic requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale. Additionally, the applicant must be accepted in a college or university program as a full-time undergraduate student. For this scholarship, applicants will apply through N.C. State University.
Name: Scholarships for the College of Ag and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University
Association(s): AgSouth Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $2,500 | Deadline: Varies
Four scholarships, $2,500 each, will be awarded for the upcoming academic year. Recipients must be enrolled in an agriculture-related degree program and be a child or grandchild of a AgSouth Farm Credit member. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please contact the North Carolina State University academic affairs office after you have been admitted. You will need to complete a university financial aid application.
Contact NCSU CALS for information regarding this scholarship.
Name: Scholarships for the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at North Carolina A&T University
Association(s): AgSouth Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $2,500 | Deadline: Varies
Four scholarships, $2,500 each, will be awarded for the upcoming academic year. Recipients must be enrolled in an agriculture-related degree. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please contact the North Carolina A&T academic affairs office after you have been admitted. You must complete a university financial aid application.
Contact the Office of Career Services at North Carolina A & T University for information regarding this scholarship.
Name: Scholarships for the Agriculture Division of the University of Mount Olive
Association(s): AgSouth Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $2,500 | Deadline: Varies
Four scholarships, $2,500 each, will be awarded for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships shall be for four-year or two-year undergraduate students. Recipients must be enrolled in an agriculture-related degree. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please contact the University of Mount Olive Financial Aid Office after you have been admitted. You must complete a university financial aid application.
Name: University of Mount Olive
Association(s): AgCarolina Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $1,000 | Deadline: Varies
Up to four (4) $1,000 scholarships will be available each year to currently enrolled college students that are a child or grandchild of an AgCarolina member. Applicant must meet the academic requirement of a minimum 3.0 GPA on an un-weighted scale. Additionally, the applicant must be accepted in a college or university program as a full-time undergraduate student. For this scholarship, applicants will apply through University of Mount Olive.
- Ohio
Name: Joe Leiser Memorial AgCredit, ACA Scholarship Program
Association(s): AgCredit
Amount: Up to $3,000 | Deadline: June 30, 2025
Educational scholarships are awarded to students who are furthering their education through attendance at a college or university and have selected an agriculture or community supported degree program. Community supported degree programs include but are not limited to medical services, public services, computer programming, application development, surveying, accounting, communications and the ag-tech industry. Scholarships are awarded annually to individuals who exhibit an aptitude for learning and a desire for self-improvement through education.
- South Carolina
Name: College of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences at Clemson University
Association(s): AgSouth Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $2,000 | Deadline: Varies
Two scholarships, $2,000 each, will be awarded for the upcoming academic year. Recipients must be enrolled in an agriculture-related degree. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please contact the academics office here.
Name: SC State University
Association(s): AgSouth Farm Credit
Amount: Up to $2,000 | Deadline: Varies
Two scholarships, $2,000 each, will be awarded for the upcoming academic year. Recipients must be enrolled in an agriculture-related degree. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please contact the academics office here.
- Tennessee
Name: Eldon Heathcott and David Leonard Memorial Scholarships
Association(s): River Valley AgCredit
Amount: $7500 | Deadline: Varies
River Valley AgCredit will award a total of $7,500 in scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year for the West Region and a total of $7,500 in scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year for the East Region.
Scholarships will be awarded to incoming freshmen enrolled in an agricultural curriculum at an accredited university in each area designated, as well as students currently enrolled in an agricultural curriculum at an accredited university in each area designated. The committee has the authority to designate the scholarships as they deem necessary.
- Virginia
Name: Colonial Agricultural Educational Foundation Scholarship
Association(s): Colonial Farm Credit
Amount: Varies | Deadline: Varies
Recipients must reside in one of the counties served by Colonial Farm Credit. For more information about scholarship eligibility criteria and endowment information, please view our scholarship information. All applications are due March 1st of every year. For a list of items needed for your scholarship submission, please view the Application Checklist. *Please note that SAT/ACT scores are not required and can be submitted as additional information if you have taken them.
Name: Jumpstart Grant
Association(s): Horizon Farm Credit
States: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia
Amount: $10,000 | Deadline: Varies
JumpStart is a new and beginner farmer grant program from Horizon Farm Credit. Each year we award up to 15 farmers a grant of $10,000 to help get them started on their agricultural journey. Eligible farmers must reside in Horizon Farm Credit's territory.
Loan Programs For Small Farmers
YBS Eligibility Requirements as defined by the Farm Credit Administration (one of the following must apply):
- Young farmer: 35 years of age or younger.
- Beginning farmer: 10 or fewer years farming, ranching, or aquatic agriculture experience.
- Small farmer: generates less than $350,000 in gross cash farm income.

AlabamaLoan Program: First Steps DelawareLoan Program: Grow Ahead FloridaLoan Program: Young, Beginning, and Small Farmers Loan Program: YBS Loans Loan Program: Next Generation Farmers GeorgiaLoan Program: Young, Beginning, Small, and Minority Farmer Loans Loan Program: YBS Loans KentuckyLoan Program: AgStart MarylandLoan Program: YBS Farmers Loan Program: Grow Ahead Loan Program: Farm Launch LouisianaLoan Program: First Steps | MississippiLoan Program: First Steps North CarolinaLoan Program: Young, Beginning and Small Farmers Loan Program: YBS Loans OhioLoan Program: AgStart PennsylvaniaLoan Program: Grow Ahead South CarolinaLoan Program: Young, Beginning & Small Farmers Loan Program: YBS Loans VirginiaLoan Program: YBS Farmers Loan Program: Grow Ahead Loan Program: Farm Launch |
Our Partners
AgBizInfo is brought to you by local Farm Credit associations, other Farm Credit institutions and partners that work together to bring you the information and resources to help you start, manage and grow your farming operation.
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Farm Credit supports rural communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financial services, today and tomorrow. We are a nationwide network of customer-owned financial institutions that provide loans and financial services to farmers and ranchers, farmer-owned cooperatives, rural homebuyers, agribusinesses and rural infrastructure providers.